Southern Life Of Jas started as an idea to began a brand on Instagram using the hashtag #southernlifeofjas that started in January 2018. Then, my idea expanded into doing YouTube. After my first unofficial video, which was for a project for my Management 101 during my 2nd year of college, I started making videos. I was inspired by other youtubers that I watch. Such as The ACE Family, The LaBrant Fam, Devale and Khadeem aka The Ellises, and many others. I filmed videos in my college dorm room on my cell phone, edited, and posted on my iPad. It was a slow start, but I hoped that it can work. It did well. It would take me 3-4 days to edit a video and have it posted by the end of the week.
Earlier this year, I was struggling super hard trying to keep making videos on YouTube. Why? I ran out of ideas. I have been on YouTube for over a year. I would go online and try to find something for content. And it was hard. I couldn’t even think of anything original to do. I couldn’t film at home because I have no privacy and I would film at school in my dorm room. Keep in mind I would film on my phone and edit and post on my iPad. So I made a decision to step away from the camera. I was also dealing with a lot of stress with school which led me realizing about my mental health.

YouTube is still gonna be there. As well as my cringeworthy videos. There is no telling when I’ll go back to it. The right time will come and I’ll know how to have better content and how to be on camera. But I needed time to focus on me and get my life right.