Out of all the topics I have on my list to share, this is one topic I have tried to avoid more than anything. I'm talking about Roe v. Wade overturned. This is a very sensitive topic in all areas. I’m going to share my thoughts and opinions on this. I know that I will probably get a lot of backlash or hate. Just to be clear, I share a lot of thoughts and opinions on various topics. This is my platform, I can do and say whatever I want.
We all know that on June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and let the states decide what to do when it comes to abortion. Most states have or are going to ban abortions, while others still make it legal or legal with some restrictions. The overturn caused a huge uproar in the US about women’s rights.
In my opinion, that overturn should not have been done. I’ve stated about this on the majority of my social media platforms how upset I am about this, but I have never done it here. A lot of people are not seeing the big picture of how much of a negative impact this will create. Plus, there will be more innocent blood sheld than a little. This gave men the right to do whatever they want to a woman and get away with it. Let me break down why this overturn was wrong.
Rape Victims
The overturn can potentially cause an increase in rape cases. There have been reports made that rape cases are low in the US. Want to know why it’s low? It’s because a lot of women are most likely held at gunpoint by their rapists. And that rapist threatened that woman by probably telling her that if she says anything, they will kill her and her entire family. A gun (which is an object) has more freedom, rights, and choice than a woman (that is a human).
Many of us have seen the headline about a 10-year-old girl from Ohio who was raped and got pregnant. That 10-year-old girl had to travel outside of Ohio, due to banning abortion, to get an abortion. Now the doctor is being investigated for performing the abortion, but not the rapist. The doctor is getting punished, but not the rapist. Why would you let a 10-year-old girl, who is still a child herself, carry her rapist’s baby? That little girl’s body and mind are not even equipped for a baby. Even if a grown woman is raped and she didn’t want to have kids right now, why force her? Especially if she can’t afford to or isn’t mentally prepared.
I noticed how a lot of politicians and “pro-lifers” try to turn rape into a positive situation. That’s like trying to turn 9/11 into something positive. A lot of times negative experiences can’t be made into positive experiences. If it affected a person mentally and physically in a negative way, it can’t be a positive situation.
Another case would be in Louisiana, the rapist has full custody of his teenage daughter and makes the mother pay child support and not see her child as often all because the teen has a cell phone. This story made me furious when I first read it. Plus, the fact it's not too far from where I live. This happened in the parish I graduated college from. If I was a betting person, I would bet a clean, crisp $20 that the rapist aka the father is doing the same thing he did to the teen's mom when she was a teenager. Now the case made national headlines, and I hope and pray that the mom gets full custody of her daughter, and the rapist and the judge who gave him full custody are prosecuted and sent to prison for life. By the way, that judge has a daughter. You know where that went with a lot of people when they found that out.
There are probably going to be more cases like this, but there will be a way to try to pin it on the woman for either dressing inappropriate or being out. Like I mention, man will try to find a way to get out of it and not be held accountable. Good luck with that because that will catch up to you and it will have you to beg for mercy.
Safe Sex
This topic is one of those topics people are so embarrassed to talk about, but it’s still considered a health issue. People think that it’s too explicit, but it’s the way some people talk about making it explicit.
I didn’t fully learn or understand about STDs until last year and how serious it is. Politicians don’t realize or care about the many STDs out there that can kill a person more than a person getting shot and killed by a gun. Most of these can also make it where a woman can not have kids at all. One of the STDs I learned about last year was chlamydia. If a woman got chlamydia from someone who slept with several people and it’s left in her for a long time and not treated, it can affect the woman to not have children. Another thing that I learned was that it is curable, but that whole process sucks. You have to get a shot and take antibiotics for a while.
People are trying to justify intercourse that it should only be meant for making a baby. I’m someone who is not/never been married and never had sex. I’m saving myself for marriage. I feel that intercourse should not be just for making a baby. If that was the case, a marriage can just head downhill. That’s what I think, I know married people are probably reading this and thinking I’m crazy because I’ve never been married. A reminder, this is my opinion.
Another thing is politicians are trying to get rid of birth control and condoms. And think that this will stop people having sex aka "hook up culture". Good luck with that. Both of these are a must. Some people don't want to have kids right now or right away. Like me. I want to have kids, but not now. I just want to enjoy life and do things before I have a kid.
Women’s Health And Rights
Here is a scenario: Let’s say we have a woman who is married to her husband for about 2 years. They decided they want to start having a family. Eventually, they are expecting their first child together and they are excited. 8 weeks into the pregnancy, the doctors detect something that will not only have the baby die but also harm the mother. The doctors say the only option to save the mother is to have an abortion. Which life values more in this, the baby or the woman?
Another scenario: A woman is 17 weeks pregnant. The doctors detected that the baby will not be fully developed when it arrives. Let’s say the baby is going to have a heart defect. To help ease the mother to not have much stress from going back and forth to several doctors and potentially many hospital stays, the doctor recommends an abortion. Which life values more, the baby or the mother?
A reminder if you say the baby matter more, just know that baby will grow up and become an adult and the world will not care about them as much as they claim to care about them in the womb.
To answer the question, the mother’s life is valued more. She goes 9 full months or even longer carrying a human inside of her. Not to mention the level of pain she goes through with labor. Plus, after having the baby she will have postpartum depression. There are reports that women have more health issues than men.
If you want to say that men are better than women, then fine. But there is one thing men will never be better at than women and that is carrying a baby and giving birth. If you are wanting to go against a woman, say those same statements that you say everywhere to your mother. This country is willing to say that a woman should die by bringing life into this world and that child should not have its biological mother in its life. That's the same thing with the father not being in the baby's life. Who should be in the child's life to be raised? No one or one person?
The topic of a miscarriage being considered abortion is wrong too. Why? Some people say "Oh because that was a clump of cells." Then, you just described your own self. If you want to get technical, we are all a clump of cells. There are two different types of situations when it comes to a miscarriage. Where a woman wanted to have the baby and where the woman didn't want to have the baby. To the woman who wanted to have the baby, that is a really sad situation. She wants to have kids. Note the word "wants". She wants to have kids and losing something that you want like a child can hurt really bad. That is a different level of hurt. Now for a woman who didn't want to have kids, she wants to live her life. She wants to do things before she has kids. She doesn't want to put her dreams and goals on hold. Sometimes some of us want to live life before we decided to have kids. It's not a crime to live life.
Here's another scenario with a different perspective: Let's say a woman carried the baby for nine months. Her water breaks, and she goes to the hospital and gives birth. But the baby dies at birth due to the umbilical cord being wrapped around its neck twice. Is the mother going to be charged for it? The baby was in her body and she was responsible for carrying that child. If this country is wanting to do away with a woman's health, then she should be charged for her baby dying at birth.
Also, trying to pin the blame on women for getting pregnant should not be a burden to her. She is the one carrying that baby for nine full months or even longer. Trying to say "it was her choice. Okay, what about the women who are married? Are you going to blame a married woman for getting pregnant by her husband, when they both agreed they wanted to have kids and still say she's at fault?
Christian and Worldly Point of View
I saved this for last for a reason. Many of you all know that I’m a Christian and I’m a preacher’s daughter. If you want to talk Biblically about abortion, let’s dive into it.
Nowhere in that bible does it says that abortion is murder. Nowhere. Not one verse. But many of these so-called “Christians” take bible verses out of context trying to justify that the bible says abortion is murder. I've seen too many posts everywhere about it and it drives me up a wall.
For example, Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto nations.” (KJV) This verse was referencing Jeremiah specifically. God told Jeremiah this. To translate to common sense this means God knew what type of person Jeremiah was going to be ever since the womb. Specifically Jeremiah. To relate to us. People. God knew what type of person we were all gonna be. He knows either we were gonna be a good person or a bad person. So don’t act like every child that comes into this world is a good person. Look at Adolf Hitler and these mass shooters.
If you want to talk about killing babies, let’s talk about the time of Moses. Two different Pharaohs had Hebrew baby boys killed because of how much they hated Hebrews. The first time was when Moses was a baby. Pharaoh had all the Hebrew baby boys killed (read Exodus 1:19-22). The second time was when Moses was a man but by a different Pharaoh. This one backfired on Pharaoh. He spoke out saying the firstborn in Egypt shall die, but he failed to realize he spoke to his son who was his firstborn and only the Egyptians. Not the Hebrews (read Exodus 11:5-7).
I got another one. Let’s speak on David. He wasn’t able to keep what was in his pants under control when he saw Bathsheba. He had his general murdered to marry her. Even so, have a child with her. And because of his action of murdering his best general caused the child he was having with Bathsheba to die (read 2 Samual 11:2-27, 12:1-15).
Need I remind you that the Bible says that sex before marriage is a sin (read Hebrews 13:4, 1 Corinthians 7:2). With this overturn sounds like “pro-life Christians” are forgetting that is making it seem like it’s okay. On top of that, they make it seem like any time a person lies down to have sex with someone, regardless if it was within marriage or not, the person made a bad choice. Well isn’t that a part of life? To make bad choices and learn from them? Look at Adam and Eve. Look at the choices they made. Don’t even try to pin the blame on Eve completely. Adam was the one who said he was lonely. That’s another conversation for another day that I can guarantee a lot of people aren’t ready for that one.
Now people are saying that the baby in the woman’s womb has a right. But that baby will grow up and see that the world didn’t care for it as much as they said they did when it was in the womb. Look at the mass shootings in this country. Involving kids and adults killed. Note kids. Where was that care at? Nowhere.
To pro-life Christians, if you are so “pro-life” to a baby, where is it for an adult? Why post these signs holding “don’t abort the baby, we’ll adopt.”? Why not adopt the many kids in the foster care system? Oh, that’s right. I know you’ll be very specific on what type of child you want aka discriminate. You claim you’ll help the pregnant woman with resources to help her get through. Especially, if she is having the baby out of wedlock. But the minute you find out a woman gets pregnant out of wedlock, you turn your noses up to her, drive her away from the church, and judge her. Instead of helping her, claiming that you will do it, you refuse to even to the point of not even looking at her or going near her. If I recall, Jesus never held against us our sins (read John 8:1-11).
Just a reminder, the bible does say don’t take it out of context (read Revelation 22:18-19). So to those who claim to be Christian, be careful with how you are preaching about the Bible. Don’t take it out of context.
These are the real picture of why overturning Roe v. Wade is so wrong. This should not have even been touched at all. This country is trying to bring back the pre-baby boomer stage.
If this is the route this country is going for, then there are a couple of other things they need to get rid of to make it even harder. Get rid of sperm banks so that men can’t make any money off of them. Take away Viagra so those older men can’t take advantage of trying to have sex with women. Make it against the law for couples wanting to have a child via a surrogate and make them go adopt a child instead. Get rid of making people take a blood test to see if they have an STD. If this country wants to make it hard for women to have rights, make it even harder for everyone to have rights too.
Abortion is a health procedure just like every other health procedure. A woman should have the right to choose what to do for her body and her health. She is not an object or property. She is a human just like a man. A man will never know what a woman’s body is like and what she goes through. Man can try to debate and make several scientific observations to understand a woman’s body, but they never will.
This goes to show how we as humans, as people are worth nothing. We live in a time where people are full of greed and pride. People are so greedy to have a lot of money and a lot of power. Do you think it's worth getting rich or die trying to get rich? Do you think it's worth sacrificing innocent lives to get rich? No, it's not. Why push so much to get more money when you have enough? This is nothing, but a rich person's game. Notice how I didn't say a specific gender or race. It's really a rich person's game to keep getting richer and have more power to control everything. Plus, they cheat their way through. Eventually, they will get caught to the point they will beg for mercy, but no one will have no sympathy for them. Buckle rich people who are playing this game, your downfall will come.
Again, I know I’ll get a lot of hate for this post. This is my brand and my platform. I own this. I can say and do whatever I want. The way I live is that if tell the truth about something and hurt someone's feelings, then I’m doing something right. I’m telling the truth and telling it like it is. As the old saying goes, “the truth shall set you free”.