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Bridgerton Season 2 Review

Writer: Jasmine SmithJasmine Smith

The hottest, scandalous show on Netfix has returned with its second season. Bridgerton. This season stepped up. The amount of drama, secrets, and sexual tension this season was insane. It took me a day and a half to watch season 2. Two words can best describe season two being a viewer of how it made me feel: Emotional Damage!!

In this post, I will share my review of each episode. Warning there will be spoilers if you haven’t seen it.

First things first, our new characters. Lady Mary Sharma, Kate Sharma, Edwina Sharma, Jack Featherington, Theo Sharpe, and Edmund Bridgerton


Episode 1: Capital "R" Rake

I love how it started by showing the Bridgerton family. Especially when they were rushing Eloise. Sounds familiar. It was funny how annoyed Eloise was about making her debut. She doesn’t want to go through with it. Pretty much she doesn’t want to get married at all. But by some luck, the new Lady Whistledown papers are out which caught the Queen’s interest. Seeing firsthand how Penelope gets the gossip and the money was so savage. Penelope knows how to do her business and clearly, she does it well. Anthony intends to marry this season, but his expectations are too high. In the montage of him searching for a wife, he did everything wrong. I even felt offended. On the morning ride, Anthony meets the lovely Kate Sharma. I love this woman. This is our main female lead. Anthony and Kate have a short conversation, but she wasn’t feeling him. But he was. There was a smile left on his face as she rode off on her horse. Kate is in town with her sister Edwina and mother Lady Mary to get Edwina married. But Kate and Edwina are half-sisters. Lady Mary married a clerk who was married and had a child. So they ran away to India. Scandal!! They are only in town to get Edwina married. At ball #1, Penelope is trying to do her job of being Lady Whistledown secretive, but Eloise keeps hanging out with her. Like Pen is trying to get the scoop and scoop out of there. Kate overhears Anthony talking about what he wants in a wife and she insults him. Anthony is flabbergasted. She read him and told him off good. I love it!! Even Anthony loved it. Lady Danbury has a talk with Kate saying she knows about her morning ride and her grandparents, the Sheffields. Secrets!! Edwina has to marry an Englishman of nobility so that the grandparents can provide the dowery and money for their daughter, Lady Mary. The tiny, but the big problem, Edwina has no idea about this. Poor girl. At ball #2 which is hosted by the Queen, Edwina is selected to be the diamond of the season. Anthony cranks up in high gear to get her to be his wife. They have a pretty pleasant conversation. Even those his questions were too direct, the way Edwina answered them, she was pleasant. Better than the ones he had with other ladies. Edwina and Lady Danbury introduce him to Kate. Anthony had no idea Edwina and Kate are sisters. Now Anthony and Kate are enemies. Kate forbids Edwina to talk to Anthony. Anthony declares he will marry Edwina. Good luck with that buddy. The new Lord Featherington arrives, Jack Featherington, from America. Surprisingly, he’s not bad-looking. He began to make himself comfortable in the house. How American.


Episode 2: Off To The Races

Let this marriage market game begin!! Kate made a list of suitors for Edwina. She has Anthony off that list. There was a hallway full of suitors waiting to call on Edwina. Looks like regency real-life Tinder. Colin returns from Greece. I have a different view of him. And it’s not a good view. The new Lord Featheringtons begins to make himself at home by decorating the Featherington house his way. Yeah that’s American behavior. Now all our characters are that the royal horse race. Reminds me of the Kentucky Derby. I like it. All the men are being so competitive to get Edwina. Desperate much. Anthony sends Edwina’s escort to go get a drink so that he can have his chance with Edwina. Yeah, desperate. Penelope catches up with Colin about his trip but is interrupted by Eloise. Eloise found a pamphlet and thinks she might have found Lady Whistledown’s publisher shop. That was annoying. Eloise has an obsession with Lady Whisledown. A weird one. During the horse race, Kate goes out of her element and Anthony is like “is this woman mad or do I find this hot?” A mess if you ask me. After the race, Eloise goes to investigate Lady Whistledown’s publisher shop. But the shop is locked and she meets a guy named Theo. He’s kinda cute. The way they argue is like they got a vibe with each other. He gives her a pamphlet on feminism since that is Eloise's interest. Philippa gets married to the guy that courted her last season. I am happy because she likes him. Lady and new Lord Featherington kinda have sparks fly. Don’t be suspicious. The Queen invites the Sharmas and Lady Danbury to the palace. The Queen gives them a tour and advice to Edwina on what she should do as the season’s diamond. The Queen even tells her that if someone gets in the way to let her know. Hint hint. The Queen is wanting to still know who is Lady Whistledown and Lady Danbury can sense that. Everyone except Anthony is invited to a small party thrown by Lady Danbury. We know who did that. At the party, there is a talent show being done by the suitors. This is giving America’s Got Talent or should I say Britain's Got Talent. Colin is there and he tells Penelope he is sworn off women. Penelope responds that she’s a woman, but Colin friend zones her and says she’s Pen and that she doesn’t count and that she is just a friend to him. Talk about insult to injury. Anthony demands Benedict to explain poetry to him. Benedict thinks his brother is an idiot, but still gives him one anyway. He presents it to Edwina at the small party, but stops halfway and goes the honest route. The whole room was like did this man just stop this party just to see a grown man's experience grow? And to answer that, yes we did. Edwina is charmed by him, but it makes Kate mad. Penelope gets caught in the rough side of town in her fit by Madam Delacroix. B-U-S-T-E-D. You are busted. The Queen begins to narrow down her suspects of who is Lady Whistledown. Two being Penelope and Eloise.


Episode 3: A Bee In Your Bonnet

We start by getting a flashback to 10 years ago. We see the former Viscount aka the dad. Starts off showing a father-son bonding moment with them hunting. Then, we see how the dad dies from a bee sting. That was the significance of the bee seen so much these past two seasons. This explains why Anthony is against falling in love because of the pain Lady Bridgerton went through when Edmund died. Makes sense. It’s always a flashback that explains why our male leads are against love and we understand why. Back to our current timeline aka 10 years later, the Bridgertons return to the country house, Aubrey Hall. A lovely house. We see baby Basset for the first time and he is such a cutie. The way the whole family is when they see the baby, is definitely your average family. Everyone is in love with the baby. The Sharmas and Lady Danbury are invited by Anthony to come before the rest of the town arrives. In another flashback, Anthony is going through a lot of trauma as the new man of the house since his dad died. So much responsibility is put on him at once. The Bridgertons and Sharmas play a game of Pall Mart. Anthony meets his match with Kate in this game. This is the one part everyone including myself has been looking forward to. The competitiveness comes out of Anthony in this game. Petty much and sounds like a sore loser if you ask me. Benedict can’t focus since he applied for art school and is worried if he’s going to get in or not. Sounds like when you apply for a job or college. The waiting game is torture. Kate hits Anthony’s ball in the wood and Edwina hits her own in the wood, but won’t go get it. I wonder why. Kate and Anthony bravely go out into the woods to get their balls which are in the mud. Kate doesn’t care and walks in the mud to get hers. She gets stuck, Anthony helps her, and they take a fall in the mud. And we get a laugh from both of them. In that situation, I would laugh too. It’s all good until we see the former Viscount’s grave. Brings up another flashback to when Lady Bridgerton is about to give birth and Anthony has to decide what the doctor should do. C-Section of course. So Anthony says let her decide. Yeah never ask a man that. With the Featheringtons, Lady Featherington is trying to cook up a cousin marriage. Weird. Lady Featherington is trying to get her daughter, Prudence, to get Lord Jack Featherington interested in her. And he’s not interested, he is interested in Cresta Cowper. Back at Aubrey Hall, Edwina and Anthony are hitting it off and it’s another great conversation. Lady Danbury and Lady Bridgerton are in the room not far pretending to be doing something but are listening. I would do the same thing. Tea honey. Daphne has a heart-to-heart conversation with Anthony if he has strong feelings for Edwina. Like very similar to her and Simon. Anthony lies saying he does. Prick. Colin shows Benedict a drug he got. I have several guesses as to what it could be, but let’s say it is weed. Colin gives Benedict some of it to help him relax. Then, Benedict takes the full small bag of it and drinks it in his tea. He’s gonna feel that later. In another flashback, we see how devastated Lady Bridgerton was after her husband’s death. Gave us another reason why Anthony doesn’t want to fall in love. At dinner, Benedict is high as a kite. The funniest to happen. I knew that drug would kick in soon. Anthony was going to propose to Edwina, but chickens out. Coward. This makes Edwina upset. I understand. You are pursuing me and I’m thinking you are going to propose to me, then you bail and not do it. Again, coward. Benedict gets accepted into the art school. The next morning, Kate and Anthony fight again after Kate's morning ride. Anthony sees the bee on Kate and freaks out. The bee stings Kate and he is worried. Traumatized by his father’s death. I understand his concern. Kate reassures him that she is okay. That leads to them breathing into each other’s mouths. COVID people!! Then, they run off trying to process what just happened. I can answer that. You just discovered your feelings for each other and stopped hating each other. Since Madam Delacroix knows Penelope is Lady Whistledown, she has her to help with the gossip to help Madam Delacroix’s business boom some more. I love it.


Episode 4: Victory

It’s time for the annual Hearts and Flowers Ball at Aubrey Hall. Everyone invited arrives including the Cowpers and Featheringtons. Edwina decided that it was a problem Kate and Anthony don’t get along. Her problem, not ours. In our modern society, it really wouldn’t. Well, depending on the situation. So Edwina suggests that Kate goes with the men hunting. On that hunt, Kate decides she doesn’t want to follow the men and goes on her own. Anthony follows her. On her way, she flashes her inner thigh. Anthony is so turned on. Homie needed to catch himself. He wanted to risk it. They spot a deer and Anthony spoons her to help her. And by the touch of hands and how close Anthony is to her, Kate is in love. Can’t hide that sis. But they get interrupted by the hunting party. Good timing, I guess. Colin pays a visit to Marina. She lives not far from Aubrey Hall. Marina had her babies. Yes, babies. She had twins!! Oh my!! She looks like she is doing great. Then, her husband, Sir Philip Crane, arrives. Surprisingly and weirdly, Colin and Philip get along well. But Marina finds it annoying. In all honesty, after what happened to her last season, I would have the same reaction. Colin apologizes to her after what happened last season and hints that he wants something more from her. She stands her ground and says no. She is settled and married, her husband is nice, she got her babies, and she’s good. Go, Marina! Like Colin take a hint. He hasn’t learned anything from being in Greece. Anthony can’t sleep that night and goes to the library. And Kate so happens to be there. She can’t sleep either. Anthony tells Kate his father died from a bee sting. Kate realizes that explains why he freaked out. Put 2 and 2 together honey. There is another mouth breathing session. Yeah, emotions are being played with here. Kate remembers that this is inappropriate and runs away. No kidding. Daphne and Lady Bridgerton talk about what kind of woman Anthony should be with. We know the answer to that. Daphne thinks Anthony should be with someone that is like him. In today’s world, don’t do that. The ball is underway and Eloise goes against all she is for and dances with a man. Unfortunately, this guy is just like Eloise and she is not a fan of him. Lady Featheringoton manipulates Prudence to spend some alone time with Jack Featherington. But she plans to get them alone and bring a crowd to catch them so that he has to marry Prudence. Evil and disgusting. They are related for crying out loud, but it ends up working and they get engaged. Edwina has Kate dance with Anthony so that he can get her blessing. They dance and they are really feeling each other, but are trying to deny it. Edwina thinks they are bonding. Sis little do you know. Kate tells Anthony she plans to leave for India soon as Edwina is married. Anthony seems to not like the idea. Anthony storms off to the library and Kate follows him and they have an argument. This again leads to another mouth breathing session, but we almost got a kiss. But Daphne walks in and catches them. Daphne talks with Anthony and he tells her nothing happened. Daphne reminds him of her last season with her and Simon alone. Smart move sis. Lord Featherington reveals that he is broke. Tell me you are an American without telling me you are an American. Just as the Sharmas are about to leave, Anthony proposes to Edwina. In front of Kate after what he did to her last night?!!! Edwina says yes. This is not good.


Episode 5: An Unthinkable Fate

Edwina and Anthony are engaged. Yay or yikes. The Queen takes it upon herself to plan their wedding. Free wedding courtesy of the Queen? I’ll take it. But in the Queen’s mind, she is taking this as an opportunity to capture Lady Whistledown. Setting traps here. The Featheringtons are racking up debts. We know who is really at fault for the debts, to begin with. The former Lord Featherington. Anthony drops by the Sharama’s with a jeweler to get the size for the rings. My ring finger size is 7. When Kate and Anthony get to speak alone, she brings up what happened between them in the library after they danced. Anthony pretends as nothing happened. Like seriously, he was the one who made the move first. The jeweler tries to wedding band on Kate’s finger since he assumes that Kate and Edwina have the same size due to being sisters. But the ring gets stuck soon as Edwina walks into the room. Sounds like a scene in a Rom-Com. Lady Danbury insists that Kate comes with them to promenade at the park with Edwina and Anthony. Why could this get any tenser? At the park, Mr. Dorset, who is a friend of Anthony we saw in episode 2, shows up and asks Kate in return. I can’t deny, that he’s a good guy too. To all the nice guys, on behalf of all the good girls that pass you up, I’m sorry. Kate and Mr. Dorset do a 10-minute boat ride and they have a very pleasant and nice conversation. He is a good guy. I would marry him. Anthony gets jealous. Like bro, you are engaged for crying out loud. He interrupts them and he trips over the Sharma’s dog and he and Mr. Dorset fall in the river. Funny and hot at the same time. Colin talks to Penelope about feeling adrift and purposeless. So traveling to Greece didn’t do you any good to find yourself? Colin slowly starts to annoy me a bit. He doesn’t know how to move on. Also, Will and his wife Alice are back (failed to mention the return in episode 2), and our only sane couple returns. Since they got money now and Will is no longer boxing, he opened a men’s club. Black man in business baby. Eloise bails her plans to hang out with Penelope and lies to her saying she is helping her mom. In reality, she was going to lectures and seeing Theo. Sounds like the teenage rebel stage. I know that stage far too well. Lady Bridgerton has a heart-to-heart talk with Anthony about if he wants to go through with this marriage. He is still willing to. Kate and Edwina’s grandparents, the Sheiffields, arrive. Play the dramatic drama music. They bully Lady Mary at the dinner table about how she didn’t marry a man with a title, money, and a great deal of land. Lady Mary stands her ground to her parents. Go, mom!! They spill the tea about the situation that Edwina has to marry an English Nobleman to inherit. The tea of it all. Anthony goes off on them for being disrespectful to the Sharmas. He really defended Kate, Edwina, and Lady Mary. That is a man. Edwina feels betrayed and I don’t blame her. The Bridgertons feel they are being taken advantage of and everyone is mad at Kate. It’s always a family dinner when drama happens. Yet again, Kate and Anthony are in a room alone, arguing, and almost kissing again. Like, get real. Kate tells Anthony he has to marry Edwina. So Anthony decides they get married soon.


Episode 6: The Choice

It’s the wedding episode. Tension is on the rise. My emotions got played so hard. The Queen is hosting Edwina and Anthony’s wedding and hopes to catch Lady Whistledown. She is going all out for this grand affair. The Featheringtons are getting quite scammy these days by selling counterfeit necklaces and roping investors into bum mines. Ugh!! Who do you think is worse when it came to scamming people, the people now or people during the 1800s? The way Penelope and Madam Delacroix team-up is by smuggling Whistledown pages out in dress linings in exchange for free advertising. Why does this sound like a drug deal to me? Penelope asks Madam D to find out some information about Theo. Edwina and Anthony have their bachelor and bachelorette parties. Anthony, Benedict, and Colin do some drinking. While Edwina has a traditional India Haldi Ceremony. Honestly, loved that part. The day of the wedding arrives. Oh boy!! Anthony is dead set to marry without love being involved. Recipe for a failed marriage. Daphne talks with Anthony to convince him to call off the wedding. Sis saw what he and Kate did. Plus, Daphne knows this situation far too well because it happened to her. Anthony is committed to going through with it. Edwina looks amazing in her wedding dress. The ceremony begins, but Anthony can’t keep his eyes off of Kate. Looking at the wrong woman there man. Kate “accidentally” takes off her bracelet and it falls to the floor. Anthony goes to help give back to her. Sounds like “Art of the Swoon” from season 1 episode 3. Full circle. With that happening, it is clearly obvious about them by the way they look at each other. Edwina freaks out and runs out of the church. Runaway bride! I repeat! Runaway bride! Edwina lashes out at Kate for having feelings for Anthony. She just now figured it out. The Queen is not happy about this. All that money she spent. The Queen has all the guests gather in the garden and as expected everyone talks about it. Who wouldn’t? Penelope tells Eloise to be careful with her friendship with Theo. But it’s like it’s going through one ear and other the other to Eloise. Anthony goes to check on Edwina and Lady Mary looks like she wants to murder him. No comment. He thinks he’s being helpful about this telling Edwina he wants to marry her not because he loves her, but because he is incapable of complex thought. Like bro that is not how to start your marriage off. Don’t believe me ask Daphne. But Edwina tells him that he will have to wait for her decision. Smart girl. Anthony finds Kate in a closet. Don’t think R Kelly is in this situation. Anthony asks Kate to convince Edwina to marry him and the passionate tension happens again. This is why are in this mess in the first place. Kate storms out and goes to Edwina to apologize and Edwina is standing her ground. Yes making big girl moves. Brimsley makes up a rumor to guests in the garden that the wedding was paused so that the bride could negotiate a better honeymoon with the blessing of the Queen. I could’ve come up with a better rumor than that. Edwina goes to the Queen to share if she will marry Anthony or not. But the confused king walks in. Saved by the bell. The king thinks it’s his own wedding day with the Queen. Edwina handles the situation very well by calming him down and validating him that he’s safe to go back to bed. The Queen was so moved by Edwina, that she lets her decide if she wants to marry Anthony or not. Independence. Colin and Penelope share a moment where she is talking about her purpose in life. Then gets interrupted by Eloise telling her she is going to sneak away to see Theo. But the Queen’s footman overhears it. Eloise is in trouble. Kate and Anthony get a note to meet in the church. Edwina was the one who did to tell them about her decision. Edwina decides not to marry Anthony because he can’t give her what she deserves. Love. Period. Edwina tells Kate she does not her to control her anymore. Live your life sis. Brimsley informs the Queen who Lady Whistledown could be. Eloise. Finally, at the end of this episode, we get the kiss from Kate and Anthony that we have been waiting for far too long. Go to therapy people.


Episode 7: Harmony

And now we are looked down on by the whole town. Shady people. The Bridgertons and Sharmas are a disgrace due to the botched wedding. The Queen stops by the Bridgerton house and catches Eloise. Uh-oh. The latest Whisteldown paper did not speak highly about the monarch. The Queen thinks she has found Lady Whistledown. She threatened to fully ruin Eloise and her family if she doesn’t team up with the Queen/confess. The Queen gives her three days. Three days in these situations is not always good. The Sharmas, Bridgertons, and Lady Danbury are meeting with damage being happened to them. The only people in the room: Kate, Edwina, Lady Mary, Lady Danbury, Lady Bridgerton, and Anthony know the real reason why the wedding was called off. Kate and Anthony can’t seem to keep the passion tension to themselves in front of their families. Even Edwina. Sis took your man. Edwina sees that passion tension and can’t believe she was blind by that. Yes, you were. A blind person could pick that up. Eloise tells Penelope about the Queen’s threat and Penelope is in panic mode. I would be too. First off, why would Penelope even talk crap about the royal family? I’m American and I wouldn’t do that. Penelope tells Madam Delacroix she plans to unmask herself to the Queen. But Madam Delacroix suggests writing something scandalous about Eloise instead. A lot on the line here. At Will’s club, finds out how Jack Featherington is a scammer. Jack Featherington threatens him after finding some evidence about his shady betting and fight throwing that happened last season. My thing is that was the former Lord Featherington’s doing. He did that. Will is innocent. He’s friends with a Duke. Plus, if I were Will, I would’ve punched him. Eloise visits Theo in a time of need and he is kind of fed up with her. I’ve been that way with her since episode 2. Colin is wanting to invest in Jack Featherington’s bum mines. Colin is the definition of young people who invest money in things not knowing that it is not worth a dime. The Bridgertons throw a ball to make it seem like them and the Sharmas are good-spirited, but no one shows up. Awkward. Anthony takes matters into his own hands and has everyone dance. It was a very cute and wholesome scene. Especially when he danced with his youngest sister, Hyacinth. Everyone has a good time. The new Lady Whistledown paper is out and it explains why they are the only ones there. Lady Whistledown aka Penelope wrote about Eloise sneaking off. To be honest, Penelope did what she had to do. Kate goes out into the garden and Anthony is there. They argue again. I’m sick of it at this point. Then, they both end up having sex in the garden of Eden. I knew at some point that was coming, but I was hoping a servant or someone was gonna catch them, but no. The next day, Anthony goes to Lady Danbury's house to call on Kate, but she’s not there. Kat goes out for a ride in the rain and Anthony finds her. Reminds us of the first episode of how they met. Kate gets thrown off the horse and hits her head on a rock and is out. Cliffhanger.


Episode 8: The Viscount Who Loved Me

We made it. Now let’s see if we are going to be happy. Anthony carries knocked out and unconscious Kate back to Lady Danbury's house. Plus, this hurts him and the memories of his dad’s death come back to him. I sympathize with him. Lady Whistledown has stopped sharing her gossip after that Eloise drama. She’s on silent mode. It even has the Queen wanting drama. Ever heard of The Shade Room? Theo confesses to Eloise that the print shop he works at is where Lady Whistledown used to print her papers. So they team up to unmask her. A Scooby-Doo mystery here. Theo apologizes for his reaction to Eloise. Nah. I wouldn’t. Jack Featherington tries to convince Lady Featherington that their only plan is to escape back to America with their newly scammed wealth. Why does everyone leave the country soon as they get a great deal of money?! After a week, Kate wakes up from her induced coma. Yay, she’s okay. Lady Bridgerton tells Anthony she’s awake. We finally see some emotions from him. He is love. Can’t fight that. Lady Bridgerton apologizes to Anthony for all that he had to go through in the aftermath of his father. His inner child is healed. Making some progress with love. Eloise visits Madam Delacroix on who is Lady Whistledown, but Madam Delacroix doesn’t crack. Business is business. Anthony visits Kate to apologize and he proposes, but she says no. Huh? After all of that? Kate says she is going back to India. Running away from love doesn’t solve it. Benedict finds out that the only reason he got into art school is because of Anthony’s donation and decides to leave. I would do the same. Gregory goes to Anthony for some fatherly advice. We have a cute older to younger brother moment talking about their dad. I love it. Kate and Lady Mary also have an inner child healing moment. See we are making some progress here. One baby step at a time. The Featheringtons through a ball and everyone is there. Even the Queen. Penelope tells Eloise about some drama and Eloise notices something off with that. Oh no. Colin figured out that Jack Featherington’s mines are bum and that he is a scammer. Colin threatens him that if he doesn’t leave Penelope’s family alone he will make it his business to bury him. Finally, some physical threats are involved. Stop digging dirt and using that as a threat. After that, Jack Featherington kisses Lady Featherington. Plot twist. Colin dances with Penelope. Sweet moment. Kate and Anthony seem to get their life together. Better than I’ll ever be. They dance and the floor leaves and it’s just them. They don’t stop. Somebody is in love. They don’t care what others think. The Queen likes it. The Queen brings up her nephew to Edwina. I petition for a regency royal wedding. I’m team Edwina and Prince Friedrich. Penelope finds Eloise snooping through her room. Eloise has discovered that Penelope is Lady Whistledown. Eloise breaks off their friendship. Eloise to me was selfish, Penelope saved her. I’m team, Penelope. Lady Featherington turns the tables on Jack Featherington. Yes!! She tells him to get out and is pinning the whole thing on him. That is a mother’s love. Penelope overhears Colin saying he will never court her. Penelope deserves better. Colin is not worth it. Anthony and Kate finally tell each other that they love each other. Took them long enough. They get engaged. In a flash-forward, they are now married and are happy as can be.


So much in this season. It was way better than season one. Season one was all about finding your feelings through pleasure. Season two was about finding your feelings mentally. The amount of sexual tension by just a stare is beyond me. I loved how there were memories of things brought up from season one involved. The amount of yelling and coaching I did throughout this season had me exhausted in a good way. Season two is a 100000000/10. I could go on and on about how good it was. If you watched it, you understand why. I’m happy and excited that there is going to be a spin-off about the Queen. Hello?! I’m here for it. I want it. That is already in the works. It’s probably going to come out next year, I don’t know.

After watching the show, it really makes me rethink a lot about my life. The way men courted a woman and were gentlemen back then…words can’t explain how incredible that is. Today’s dating is just shooting their shot in the DMs or swiping till your finger falls off on Tinder. I would scream with excitement if a guy was interested in me and really went the route the men did during the regency era to get me to marry him. In reality for my life, I prefer to be single and alone. Just knowing that I’ll never get to experience that type of love and that I’m not good enough for it. I’m perfectly happy with that. I have myself to look after and there is no burden.


Here are some of my favorite quotes from season 2:

  • I do not need feelings. What I need is what I have and that is a list. Tolerable, dutiful, suitable enough hips for childbearing, and at least half a brain. - Anthony Bridgerton

  • Dearest Gentle Reader, did you miss me? - Lady Whistledown

  • So many flowers when what I truly seek is a gem. - Queen Charlotte

  • Oh, I do relish a challenge - Lady Danbury

  • Your character is as sufficient as your horsemanship. - Kate Sharma

  • You will end up alone with such expectations. - Lady Bridgerton

  • Edwina Sharma. My diamond. It seems she will need to do more for me this season than simply shine. - Queen Charlotte

  • It is a poor player who plays the game, and a wise one who plays their opponent. - Daphne Basset

  • Are you a superstitious sort? I know some men cannot perform without their familiar tools. Like a child with a blanket. - Kate Sharma

  • Motherhood seems to suit the duchess very well. - Lady Danbury

  • The one that makes it impossible for you to look away from them at any given moment. When your body and soul feel as if they could burst into flames whenever the two of you are near. - Daphne Basset

  • But then, after your father died, a wall went up inside you, as if love had become some weakness instead of your greatest strength. - Lady Bridgerton

  • I am not the same woman you once knew. And I refuse to be thrust back into such a world of fantasy. - Marina Thompson

  • It is just that I’ve always imagined Anthony to be with someone more like him. - Daphne Basset

  • You are the bane of my existence. And the object of all my desires. Night and day, I dream of you. Do you even know all the ways a lady can be seduced? The things I could teach you. - Anthony Bridgerton

  • You cannot provide me with what it is that I want. What is it that I deserve. I may not know exactly what true love feels like, but I certainly know what it is not…Your dreams, your plan, your feelings that I had merely borrowed. Today, you have lost your power, while I have made up my own mind. And that is victory enough for me. - Edwina Sharma

  • And yet still, all I find myself thinking about, all I find myself being able to breathe for, is you. Do you think that I want to be in this position? Contending with these thoughts of wanting to nowhere except you. Wanting to run away with you. Of acting on the most impure, forbidden desires, no matter how much I must remind myself I am a gentleman, and you are a lady. Of that scent. It has remained imprinted on my mind ever since the night of the conservatory ball on that terrance. Lillies. - Anthony Bridgerton

  • It is unthinkable. Finding someone like that. Someone you love. - Lady Bridgerton

  • Miss Edwina, have I yet told you about my nephew? He is a prince. And he is available. - Queen Charlotte

  • I am a mother. - Lady Featherington

  • I love you. I’ve loved you from the moment we raced each other in that park. I’ve loved you at every dance, on every walk, every time we’ve been together, and every time we’ve been apart…I want a life that suits us both. - Anthony Bridgerton



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