The tower of motivation may seem to be intimidating. You see it and you think that you'll think that you won't make it to the top or there are too many stairs. In actuality, it's more of a motivation. It may be hard and the tower may wobble a bit when you walk up, but it's worth it. You want to know what the view will look like once you reach the top as long as you have the motivation.
Here's how it works:
1. You go up the first set of stairs. Congratulations, you are getting started to make it to the top. You are already getting a feel of what to expect on the way to the top.
2. You keep going higher and higher. You may seem scared because you have a fear of heights from walking up so many stairs. Don't let that fear take over. You can beat this fear.
3. You are half way or more than half way to the top. You stop for a moment and take in the view. You are so amazed and see all of the beautiful nature that God has created. It gets you even more motivated to get to the top to see and even better view.
4. You are almost there to the top. Despite the long journey to reach and you are tired of climbing and want to give up. Don't give up. You have came too far to quit. Keep climbing till you reach the top to see the amazing view. Don't give up.
5. You did it!!! You finally made it to the top of the tower. You can see the amazing view. All of it was worth it. You didn't give up or turn back. You are on top of the world. You have succeeded. You have conquered your fear. You had faith. I am proud of you.

See, even though it was a lot of stairs to climb, the stairs were narrow, the tower was a bit wobbly, and you had a fear, you did it.
So look at this as a metaphor for anything you are struggling at in life or trying to reach a goal. You are trying to make it to the top, but you have to face some challenges, you may want to give up, the climb maybe long, the tower maybe wobbly causing you to be afraid to go on, or if you a fear that you won't make it. Remember, everything you face to reach your goal that is good and bad is going to be worth it all. Because you are say to yourself "I made it".