In the next few weeks, a lot of kids including myself will be going back to school. I know for a fact that every college freshman is super excited about their first year of college. I remember that I was that same way. The excitement for college is totally different from the excitement from high school. You are excited for your classes and meeting new people.
Let’s make one thing clear. COLLEGE LIFE IS NOT THE SAME AS HIGH SCHOOL LIFE!! It’s a totally different feel.
If you see other college students including myself saying on Twitter don’t get an 8:00 am class and a class after 3:00 pm. We aren’t joking. I didn’t realize the truth behind it till I was getting ready to schedule classes for my 3rd semester. I wanted to make sure I get enough sleep and had time to do my homework. Plus, when scheduling classes make sure you make it for your convenience. For example, if you schedule a class for 9:30 am make sure you have an hour break after that class. So you can do some homework, study, or get something to eat. It’s okay to have classes back to back, but don’t do it to an extreme.
One of the things I’ve started doing is using a calendar and setting reminders on my phone. I always have a planner with me at all times to remember important dates. I also use Google Calendar on my phone. I put in the reminder and have it set to email myself either days or a week before the reminder to give me a heads up. This helps me to stay organized and on top of things when it comes to assignments and exams for my classes and other things that goes on campus.
One major thing that I’ve made a system for safety on campus. Never walk back to your car or dorm room alone at night!! It doesn’t matter if it’s five minutes away. Never walk alone at night. You never know who could be out there watching waiting to get you. Your safety on campus is super important. I remembered a time when I was scared. This happened to me earlier this year: one night I was walking back to my dorm room from a basketball game. (It was a five minute walk to my room) I called one of my friends and stayed on the phone with him till I reached my room. On my way to my room I saw a older man sitting on the bench. I got a bit scared because I didn’t know what he could do to me and he looked weird. If did do something, I was prepared to fight back. I was still on the phone with my friend, I walked pass the guy and I turn around he was still sitting there. I kept walking and he still sat there. I did make it back to my dorm room safely, thank God I did. I was so glad I made it to my room safely. That was by far the most scariest thing I’ve ever dealt with. My first year of college my friends and I, we made a system when we hangout at night. One example, when my friends and I are about to go to our dorms at night from eating in the union and we live not far from each other, we walk halfway between our dorms. Then, we go to our rooms and text each other letting each other know that we made it to our rooms. A second example, if I’m out at a football game or something with my friends and one of them drives they always drop me off first at my dorm then everyone else. I tell them to text me when they make it home safely and they do. A third example, if I’m leaving the library from doing work and it’s at night I FaceTime one of my friends so I make back to my room safely. Staying safe from danger on campus is a big deal. Always have a group of friends with you or have a friend on call at all time to stay safe.
Staying healthy is another big part. Mentally and physically. I’ll admit I did gain weight when I started college. It’s called “Freshman 15”. It’s real. You eat at the restaurants on campus, a bunch of campus events offer free food, and dorm room food. Go to the workout room at your university and workout. Its free. I workout at mine 3 times a week for an hour to an hour and half. It’s definitely good mentally because if you had a bad day it can relive stress. Mentally is so important in college. I didn’t realize how important it was till earlier this year. Everyday you are stressed out about a lot. Class work, exams, social life, college financials, and a lot of other things. I started going to counseling on campus to get help and it was the best decision ever. If you ever feel so stressed out that you may loose it, go seek out counseling to get the help you need. Plus, it’s free.
One of the best things about college is being apart of an organization. It’s a lot of fun because you make friends, enhance your skills, and it’s great experience perfect for your resume. I’m apart of 3 different organizations. I know it can be stressful sometimes. One of them it’s just for one semester. I really enjoy it. Two of them I work behind the scenes of campus events and it’s fun to know what goes on for campus events for students. Plus, I love hands on experiences. It fits me perfectly and has an influence on me to want to work behind the scenes for something.
Everyday in college isn't gonna be easy. You may have good days and bad days. I can't lie I had days where I cried because I had some hard days. I would just be in my room and I would pray to God to help get through this. Along the way I picked up ways to make it easier for me a little bit. In the beginning when I first started college I was scared. I had no idea what I was doing and I heard the many "horror stories" about college life. Here's the deal everyone's path in college is different. Everyone's goal is to get that degree and start a career. Remember keep God first and you'll go far.