As a college student, you are always gonna be away from your family. Whether you live in an apartment or dorm. Sometimes you come home every weekend or when it’s break. For me I come home every weekend. I’m away at school 4 days a week. But earlier this year, it was my first time not coming home for one weekend.
I signed up to go a leadership retreat through my university. I wanted to go to learn more about leadership, what to do, and to get away a bit. I really need to get away so bad because I had a lot of stress on me and it would drive me crazy. Plus, this was my first time going on a trip without my family. Usually when I go on trips my family is with me. This was different. It was a two hour bus ride from campus to the retreat which was a camp ground. My family would not stop blowing up my phone with calls and text messages. I get it that they were worried about me. I would send a text saying I’m fine and don’t worry about me. Plus, where the retreat was at was in a bad service zone. I saw it as a good thing because I disconnected from my phone for an entire day for the first time. Not checking emails, social media, or texts. I was able to be out with nature, make new friends, and get out of my comfort zone while having fun.
Plus, I got a scent of responsibility even more. A perfect example, when we came back from the retreat I did my own laundry. Yes I waited this late in life to do my own. Don’t judge me. But I knew how to do it because at home I would help my mom. I got all my clothes washed and everything. By myself. And I felt proud of myself.
That weekend was unbelievably fun. I had a blast. Plus, I still abide by the rules of the university and my parents rules as well. I came back home early. 2 days before Good Friday and my family missed me like crazy. On top of that, it was perfect timing because spring break was the following week and I was home.
Spending time away from family can be a good thing. Last year, I went to two different football games. One was an away game that I won a ticket to go to (an LSU game) and the other was homecoming game. I would come home that Thursday and didn’t go back to campus till that Saturday, which was game day, and go to the game. I would stay over till that Thursday to go home for the weekend.
Plus, being away for a weekend gave me a feel of what would happen in my career field if I had to go away for a weekend from my family for business purposes. Any type of experience in college gives you that feel of what can happen in your career field and living on your own. It’s a great lesson and experience.