Today is my birthday!!! I thank God for allowing me to see another birthday. Today I turn 21 years old!! I’m not 24. I get mistaken to be 24. Reason is because of my maturity. I’m officially at the age where I can drink. In my case, I’m still not allowed to, but I’m totally fine with that. I’m not a drinking person.
Almost everyday, I always think about what my mom told me about what happened the day she gave birth to me and her whole pregnancy with me. She refers to me as a “miracle baby”. One day she went to the doctor and the doctor told my mom that she was pregnant. My mom didn’t believe the doctor at all, but it was true. The doctor also said that I was going to be born in October. My mom said that I wasn’t. She said that I was going to be born in September. She was right. She waited till I was born to find out the gender. My parents thought I was going to be a boy. But...sike!! It was another girl.
Now the day I was born came. September 23, 1998. My mom had dropped my sister off at school and my dad was at work. When my mom got home, her water broke. Then, at Lakeview Hospital, at 4:07 pm......I was born!!! My mom was in labor with me for 5 hours. All I know is that I was ready to come into this world. I got here way faster than my sister.
The way I got my name is pretty interesting. If I was a boy my name would have been Alexander. Again, I’m a girl. My mom wanted to name me Autumn because I was born of the first day of fall. But I have a cousin who has that name. So my dad named me Jasmine. I looked up the meaning of my name. It means: “Persian name meaning gift from God, God's gift, and from the name of the flower, jasmine.” Also my name is a Disney princess from “Aladdin”. The way I got my middle name was from my sister. My middle name is Deanna. Apparently, it was an inspiration from Princess Diana. In English baby names the meaning of the name Deanna is: From the valley or meaning divine. In Latin baby names the meaning of the name Deanna is: Fertile, God, devine. My full name is Jasmine Deanna Smith.
Out of everyone at my house, I’m the only one who is full Louisiana blood. Why? I was born and raised in the state of Louisiana. Everyone else was born and/or raised in Mississippi.
I’m so excited and happy about being 21. I’m just praying that good things happen.