This simple girl is full of dreams and goals in life. When she thinks about it, she gets happy. It's like she can feel it. She prays everyday to have her dreams and goals to become a reality.
Her goals is her game plan. She has it mapped out what she's going to do. She prays that she's going to achieve her goals because this is her short-term plan.
Her first and obvious goal is to graduate college. She wants to graduate with her degree. When she thinks of this, she thinks about how her senior portraits would be. She may thinks it weird and a bit to early to think about it, but it's okay. She thinks about where she will take the pictures at, how her poses would look, the outfits she would wear, how her cap will look decorated, etc. Then, she thinks to herself that maybe she should do a "Thank You" video to her university. She knows what she's going to say, what content will be featured, and even the music to play. But the day she graduates from college is going to be s special day. All of the late nights and early mornings, the tears, the long walks to class, the dedication, everything will be worth everything. And she can finally say she did it.
Her second goal in life is to get her dream job or career. She knows what she wants to do after graduate. She wants to have a job offer(s) before she graduate. She can already picture herself in her dream office and loving her job. Her fear is that she may not reach that goal. She is working really hard to be able to get her dream job or career. She can picture the work environment. She can imagine having her own personal office and how hard she'll work for which ever company she'll work for. For her career she wants to make her mark on the world and give the world a reason to know her name.
Her dreams is so unbelievable that it's so hard for her to describe it to people what her dream are. She is really want to make this dream a reality.
This is what she dreams of:
She doesn't fully know how she wants her wedding to look like. The only she thinks about is how the marriage is going to be. She wants to have someone that is her best friend and her lover as well. She wants God to be in the center at all times and be first in their marriage.
She also dreams of how the house will look. She knows she how many bedrooms and bathrooms she wants. She wants the future house to be a forever home where she wants to have family dinners with her and her future husband's family.
When she dreams about her future kids, she has mixed emotions. Why? Because she wants to get married first and then have kids when she's in her late 20s. But she does know she wants to have two kids. A boy and a girl. She has the names in mind. She wants to raise her future kids the way her parents raised her. Raise them to be respectful, a hard worker, appreciative, kind, caring, smart, etc. She wants to be the best mom she can be.
With all of these this is what she pictures in her mind:
She is 26 working in her field and she is super helpful, reliable, and a great person to the company. Her husband would be the same way as well. She would also have her child, which she wants to be a boy first, she can imagine how on a Saturday her and her husband would be spending time together. Driving the dream family car and walking in the park with the baby in the stroller being so cute. She would have her favorite Starbucks drink and she and her husband would laugh and talk about everything like how their week was, the next trip they want to go on, the next dream they want to have, etc. She would have the relationship and family she has been praying for.
She can imagine how they would be financially stable being able to afford things they couldn't have. They would be able to get the things they wanted and would want to help other as well. For starters, she wants to get her parents in a nicer house, take them on their dream vacation, or get them their dream car. Then, she would want to give back to her high school and university because she wants to thank them for shaping her into the woman she is that made her successful.
This is something she hopes for everyday of her life and she is willing to do whatever it take to get there. Shes a dreamer and a believer.