Whenever I play a song
And if I’m in the moment
I pay close attention to the lyrics.
Many times it relates to a lot.
It releases to feelings of thoughts.
Bradley Cooper asks in “Shallow”
“Are you happy in this modern world?”
My answer is I’m not.
Kirsten Maldonado said in “Break A Little”
“Sometimes I learn lessons the hard way,
Sometimes I never learn nothing at all.”
This is true.
I always learn lessons the hard way.
Emma Lahana said in “Patiently”
“True love will never fade
When it’s real you can feel it”
For me I don’t know the feeling.
Maybe one day I will.
Music opens up a lot,
It wakes us and shakes us,
About certain things in life.
It brings out a whole new meaning,
That teaches an understanding,
Of all spans of life.