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God Always Wins

Writer: Jasmine SmithJasmine Smith

Recently there have been several Christians, including myself, who are triggered with what Little Nas X has done. He put out a new song and music video recently. The video is very disturbing and it mocks the Bible. If that wasn’t enough, Nike collabs with the artist creating a “Satan Shoe” that contains 1 drop of human blood, and only 666 pairs will be sold. Many Christians have come out and spoken against this saying how this disrespects our beliefs and God. The matters get worse as nonbelievers come defending Little Nas X.

Here’s how I feel and what I think: (Note: I’m speaking in a language you understand. Buckle up for this ride.)

I think that this boy is crazy and stupid thinking that it’s fun, cool, and trending to praise Satan and Hell. Newsflash, Hell is not fun, trendy, and definitely not cool. Literally. The gates to Hell are open much wider than when a woman opens her legs. (Got your attention with “woman” and “legs”. I’m speaking your language.) People get mad and upset at Christians saying “stop forcing your religion on me”. Okay. Well, stop forcing us to support LGBTQ+ when you know the action is against our beliefs. (Read this blog post I did explaining: ) You respect other religions, but not Christianity. What if someone told you that some of what a Muslim believes in ties with of what a Christian believes in? Oh that’s right, you don’t want to listen to what is the truth. Christians have been here on earth since the beginning of time and we aren’t going anywhere.

You say educated people on everything and we are trying to educate you about God. Who can literally save your life. There’s a difference between forcing and educating. By definition forcing means of a bid requiring by convention a response from one's partner, no matter how weak their hand may be. By definition educating means give intellectual, moral, and social instruction to someone, especially a child, typically at a school or university. This is a dictionary definition, but taken out of context like the Bible. You would get mad at me for taking these two definitions out of context, but don’t want me to get mad for you taking the Bible out of context. (Did I trigger you speaking your language and flipping the script on you?)

To take it even further you say and protest stop hate this and that, but you hate when someone reveals and tells the truth that triggers you that you know is right. Hate will never go away. There will be things and people we hate. God said that He hates sins, but not the sinner. Jesus didn’t hate people, but Jesus is God in a human flesh and He hates sin. (Triggered you again speaking your language. Oh I said hate. Oh God! Cancel me.....SIKE!)

On top of that, people get mad at God saying He took everything away from you. Well maybe there is a reason why He did it. He saw the situation and knew that there would be a bad outcome or He has something better planned for you. God makes no mistakes. God gives and God takes away.

Now about this little boy Little Nas X, he made it plain and clear he’s going to hell. He’s going to get the “hottest” seat available. (Got your attention with a pun.)

Plus, people are canceling a toy, a children’s book, and food, but not something that is graphic. I’m assuming people didn’t have a good childhood, bored with their lives, or their minds are at a 1st grade level.

Just know that if you try to cancel can’t. Why? That was tried thousands of years ago when Jesus was crucified. They were jealous that He got all the attention and tried to kill Him. He got up 3 days later with all power in heaven and earth. He told the grave “where’s thy victory”. Translate in today’s language: He said to the grave “Sike! You thought you had me? Hahahaha. Who’s the man? I’m the man. Strong powerful risen man.”

God wins. He always has and always will. Can’t beat him even if you try.

Now excuse me for trying to show you all some light, but I choose to want to be in heaven. I want Him to tell me “well done thy good and faithful servant. You have been faithful for over a few things.” Translate: “Well come on in. You have done good in your life and you deserve a great reward.” I want to be where I’ll have one of the most beautiful mansions ever, have my own custom wings looking “fly”, I get to hangout with Jesus everyday for eternity, and all of my eternity there will be pleasant and peaceful. This is what I want one day. But if this is not what you want. Then, that’s on you. It’s your choice. I’m not trying to tell you how you should live your life or force my faith on you, I’m trying to educate you to open your eyes to greatness. Again it’s your choice.

I spoke my peace and if you think you can cancel because I speak the can’t. I have a business degree, I know how this modern world works with the media and social media, and I know how to flip the script.

Let me put all of you all on some game about how I got hated on:

Satan has people who are so called Christians that are in the church. I’ve dealt with my fair share since 2014 (read this blog to understand: My dad is a retired Methodist pastor and my mom is a former Lay Leader and Sunday school teacher. I was born and raised in the church. I learned a lot about God and the Bible. When my family and I went through a shocking time in 2014, I almost completely drifted away from God. I was angry at church people specifically for what they did to my family and I for a long time. Why? What they did to us was wrong, humiliating, and disrespectful. Not even one year after they got rid of us, they began to suffer and are still paying the consequences. Not only that, my family and I got a lot of hate for us being a actual family, working together as a team, and living by the word of God by three different churches. We stopped going there and they started to suffer. God will never leave behind his chosen people. When I entered my 20s, I never ever let people’s judgement towards me of how I live by God’s word get in my way. I’m just trying my best to do what is pleasing to God and hope that He‘ll welcome me to His kingdom.



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