Most people have said all year that 2020 is the worst year humanity has ever dealt with and that they are done with 2020. With so many different bad things happening left and right that we see on the news and social media every day.
For me, I have to disagree with what 95% of what people say.
We came into 2020 with expectations way too high. Thinking that this year and decade would be a great one because we entered the “Roaring 20s” just like the 1920s. I hate to break it to people, this isn't going to be like The Great Gatsby or what we all learned about the 1920s in high school.
For me in my eyes, 2020 was a good year just like every year in the past has been. Every good and bad moment whether it was big or small made it a great year in my eyes. You would probably be thinking this: “Why is she saying 2020 was a good year?, Did she not pay any attention to what happened this year?, Is she crazy?”
All of our eyes and mindset of how we view things are different. That’s how I like to be. Different. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had my fair share of bad moments in 2020. I just didn’t let them put me at my lowest and get in the way of things. That was my 20/20 vision of this year.
The one thing that kept me going this year was Faith. If you have been following me then you know I’m serious about my Faith. I believe in God and I know He’s real. You can’t make me change my mind about my Faith. I've talked about this in previous blog posts.
This year I have to say that God had my back. I’ve learned as a young adult that life will never go the way I want it to go. I just have to accept it, understand why, and just be patient. When the pandemic first started, my plan for after graduating was destroyed. I planned to get an internship for the summer, hope that the company would offer me a job to work for them after I graduate, relax my graduating semester by just focusing strictly on classes, not do any student working, stay semi-involved with the organizations I'm apart of, graduate, work for a couple of years, and go back from my MBA. That plan went out the window. I decided to add one more class to take, get a student worker job, and put in even more hard work on everything I was doing for my final semester. It took me about 2 months to come up with a new plan. To be honest, I feel that it can work out for me. From what I mentioned, I did pretty good. I made all A's in my classes, got the student worker job (loved every minute of it), and my hard work that I did paid off.
This is the year I had to let go and move on from certain things. It was hard, but I had to do what was right for me and my life. I thought letting go and moving on would make me seem like I was a bad person. In actuality, it’s not. I did what was best for me. I felt like I was free. There is this song by Pentatonix called Happy Now that they put out this year. I listened to that song on repeat because the lyrics were so reliable to the situation I was in. I had a reason to let go and move on. I wanted to be happy and start my life over again. I thank God I had the chance to.
By the grace, love, and forgiveness of God, I got the chance. God opened my eyes even more about His grace, love, and forgiveness. His grace of how He cares for me is mind-blowing. He let me know that He will always be by my side. His love for me is so great. A lot of times I feel that I don’t deserve His love. God sees my heart and He knows my heart better than anyone. God’s forgiveness. I honestly feel that I don’t deserve it. I’ve messed up a lot in my life. But it goes hand in hand with His love. He knows me.
I’m not going to be that person who says “new year, new me”, “this is my year”, manifesting everything, or anything related to that. I just leave it in the hands of God. He already knows what He has in store for me in 2021.
Let’s keep making the most of every day.