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  • Writer's pictureJasmine Smith

Dealing With Hate Online and In Person

Hate, bullying, and cyber bullying is something that’s been around a long time. I never understand why people want to be so mean and rude.

If you have been following me, then you know that I’ve talked about what happened to me when I was bullied as a child. To make a long story short, I was bullied from 2nd grade to 7th grade. I was bullied by boys all the time. Some were in the same grade as me. Others were in grades below me. I was made fun of because of my weight, height, and how I looked. I didn’t know how to defend myself or anything. I was basically as you say “weak”.

I didn’t get on social media till I was in 11th grade. I didn’t deal with any cyber bullying for a long time until I got to college. On several occasions I would get comments about my looks and my Faith. For starters, if you come at me about my Faith that’s a big no no. I stand by my Faith and I believe in God.

When it comes down to my looks, it bothers me quite a bit. I remember that I posted a picture on my instagram of my best friend and I recreating a photo from "Love and Basketball".

Someone commented that we were ugly. I never responded at all, I basically blocked the person and deleted the comment. Lets make one thing clear, this is my best friend. He and I have been best friends for 4 years. I’ll never forget, in our English 101 class (which was the class where we first met) our freshman year of college, we had this paper we had to do. Our professor told us that we had to exchange papers with someone to read it. My paper was on about how I was bullied as a child. He left a note on my paper:

“Very good story! Really impressed! You’re extremely beautiful the way you are. Don’t ever forget that! Haven’t known you very long and I can already see the Angel/Saint in you. Keep your head high!!”

I remember how I couldn’t believe he said that. Normally I don’t believe anyone who tells me that I’m beautiful or anything, but I believed him. Again we are best friends. He’s like a brother to me.

Another encounter of cyber bullying I got was on Snapchat through Yolo. It was about my weight. This was 7 months ago. This I what was said to me:

“Boo kitty. You do not look like you been LOSING weight😂”

I was furious. I had just began to make a change to diet and lose weight a few months before I got this comment. I never found out who did it because all replies are anonymous.

Almost a year ago, I got TikTok. When I do get hate on the app, but it’s not to an extreme when I make my content. I get thrown under the bus for not liking certain Louisiana food. Like crawfish and gumbo. I laugh at those comments. I don’t feel like I’m hurt because I know there’s other people who live in Louisiana who feel the same way as me. But there two times where I was bullied online. It was on another creator’s videos that I had commented on. Both were about my looks, but by two different people. Here’s what went down in the comments from one of the videos.

Video #1:

“Other user- with the way you look you are getting no boyfriend

Me- Ha! You think you got jokes? Just watch and wait honey

Other user- yeah I actually do

Me- Let me explain something. I may not be pretty to you, but there are probably other men other there who find me pretty. So have several seats.

Other user- I care so much

Me- I’m not going back and forth with you. Get off my comment and this man’s page. I don’t have time to be dealing with trolls like you. GET A LIFE!!!”

From the other video, it was the same reason, but from a different person. I still don’t understand why people tend to attack me on social media because of my looks.

Now when people make those types of comments on my social media, I go in with a classy clap back and judge them by their page, which is something I don’t do, but I have to defend myself some kinda way. If they come back and clap back at me, which they usually do, then I come back with the kill and tell the to hold this L and this block. I block them immediately from my page after clap backing x2.

Getting hate on social is different because people be having a bad day and just go off on any and everyone.

The hate I get in person, in real life is on a much higher level than online. Most of the hate I get is targeting my family and I because we are a nice, caring, likable people, and we work together as a team. I can’t lie, most of it is from people in the area we live in and who are the same color as us. Black.

What is the hate that we get? It’s a long list of things and most of them is too long to explain. I’ll try to make it short and the main ones.

Going to a predominantly white high school: My older sister and I graduated from a high school that is outside of the district we live in and it’s predominantly a white high school. We were constantly brought down by people who had kids who went to school in the district we live in. And the majority were black. The thing is that my high school and the high school in the district I live in are rivals. They had been rivals for a few years. So basically the fact that we graduated with honors from the best high school in the parish, we got hate for that. Every time I think about how my life would’ve been if I went to the high school in my district, I already know what the outcome would be. I wouldn’t have made it out alive if I went there because of being a victim of bullying.

Not attending a HBCU: As you guys know I graduated from Southeastern Louisiana University. When I first visited SELU, I knew that it was the school for me. Again, the same people who threw hate about me attending a predominantly white high school, are the same ones who threw hate at me for not attending a HBCU. I would get offended when someone in my hometown would as if I was at a HBCU when they knew I wasn’t. In my opinion, I think that whatever college you attend, you are going for the same reason. To get a degree.

Jealousy in the church: When this happened to me, this caused for my Faith to decline. I began to feel uncomfortable when I would visit a church because the pastor and/or some members would get jealous of my family and I. This happened at 3 different churches who have the same pastor. That pastor and his family don’t like my family and I. So much so that they would try to “compete” and try to be like us. It would never work. This lead to us getting driven away and never coming back. I could feel and sense the hate so much that my mind wouldn’t be on God. I didn’t like that at all.

Those are the top 3 most hate we get. I make the assumption that these people who hate us don’t have a life and just continue to be shellfish and try to out do us or be like us. My family and I are just being ourselves and doing what’s right by God.

This hate I get does give me anxiety and stress because all eyes are on me and people be watching to see what my next move is going to be just to cause trouble.

I try so hard to not let it bother me because that hate keeps me going to work hard and reach my full potential. That’s why when you see me in person, I’m always working and I let the hard work I’ve done do the talking for me.

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